green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
29 September 2021

How Having to Make a Move Can Be a Curse

Why can having the right to move be more of a curse than a blessing in chess? And no, we are not talking about zugzwang today! »
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
15 September 2021

Tournament Play Secrets: Where to Look For Your Opponent's Games

For many players, the process of preparing for a round involves only checking out the opponent's profile in a popular chess database. How do you go way beyond that?
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
8 September 2021

I Study Chess Very Hard. Where is My Progress?

Do you feel like you are not improving as fast as you expect? Let’s discuss what could be the reasons for that!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
11 August 2021

Lists of Mistakes: Chess and General

Acknowledging the mistakes that you make at and away from the chessboard is critical for your improvement as a player. 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
4 August 2021

Why are Chess Players Obsessed with Openings?

Why are many amateurs dedicating the lion's share of their chess time to studying openings? 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
28 July 2021

Play Sound Openings

Remember: when it comes to studying openings, there is no magic pill! 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
14 July 2021

How to Play Chess When You Are in Time Trouble

Playing in time trouble is tough! What are the dos and don’ts when you are low on time? 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
7 July 2021

Can You Play Blindfold Chess?

Do you want to impress your friends with a feat worthy of Beth Harmon from the Queen's Gambit series? Learn how to play chess blindfolded then! 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
30 June 2021

Preparing for a Chess Game: A Fresh Head vs. Studying

How long do you prepare for a tournament chess game? And how long should you do it? 
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
2 June 2021

How to Choose Your Opponent in Chess

Interested in improving as a chess player? What opponents should you prefer to make the process as efficient as possible? 
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