green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
1 June 2022

Why do Stronger Players Make Mistakes Against Weaker Players?

One does not simply win a chess game without making any mistakes!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
18 May 2022

Play for a Win in Every Game

“Not winning a tournament is not an option for me unless it’s no longer theoretically possible – then of course winning becomes impossible. But up to that point, not winning is just not an option.” – Magnus Carlsen.
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
11 May 2022

Recording Your Time Distribution

Recording the time spent per every move can provide more information about your game than you might expect!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
16 February 2022

The Infamous Touch-Move Rule

Do you like and follow the touch-move rule in casual games?
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
2 February 2022

Learning from the Best – Focus on the Virtues

When studying top chess players, be forgiving for weaknesses and focus on their strengths.
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Peter Zhdanov
26 January 2022

How Should You Sit at the Chessboard?

When it comes to sitting at the chessboard, every small detail counts!
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Peter Zhdanov
20 January 2022

How Many Years of Your Life Would You Sacrifice to Become a GM?

If you had one shot or one opportunity, would you become a GM, or just let it slip?
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
12 January 2022

What Should You Study More: Opening vs. Endgame

What do you think? And what do you do?
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Peter Zhdanov
5 January 2022

Play a Chess Match

Have you ever played a chess match? There is always a first time!
green iguana
Peter Zhdanov
31 December 2021

What are Your New Year’s Chess Resolutions?

What are you planning to achieve in chess in 2022?
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